- C011
- C021
- C008
E500: Create product failed
Brand:C011:Non-enumeration of property value not legal:
Ans: Lazada error, user is using a value they don’t recognise (eg: Brand name)
Solution: Use “No Brand” or something exactly per Lazada
E500: Create product failed
C021:Seller sku id is duplicate, It's must be unique, pls check it in variation information table.
Ans: Seller SKU must be unique throughout Lazada single account. This is different from Shopee/Qoo10/etc where you can re-use the same SKU
Implication: Cannot have multi-listings in Lazada using the same product
Workaround: Bundle in OneCart, we can help track inventory that way
E500: Create product failed
Variation Information: C008: Duplicate attribute
User options are repeated (eg: two Small sizes, or two 100ml Volume, without a layer to separate them
using an option value that Lazada doesn’t allow (see the red notice that appears when you select the category)