As of Jan 2024, Lazada has a new way for sellers to authorise or refresh apps like OneCart. There are a few more steps involved, so please follow the instructions below:

**Important: If you have MULTIPLE Lazada stores connected to your OneCart account, you need to repeat this process for ALL shops, ONE-BY-ONE.

1. Click the link below based on your Lazada store country:







2. You should see this screen:

3. Select both "Authorization Only" and "Half a year", and then click "Authorized use" to submit the details

4. You'll see this next screen. You must select the checkbox FIRST to agree to the Terms before you can click "Submit".

5. Now you need to install the app. On the next screen, click "Authorized use of Services"

6. Now you need to click "Use Service":

7. Click the checkbox and then click "Agree"

8.Now you can finally authorise the app. Just enter your Lazada Seller Center login details and click "Submit".

9. You're done! You will be directed back to OneCart and you should see the confirmation banner as per the picture below. Enjoy using OneCart!