In order to make this a seamless integration for your inventories, we recommend that your SKUs be unique to each product and unified across all marketplaces. 

1) Before you start importing your listings into OneCart, make sure you have exported them from the respective platforms.

2) Go to:

OneCart Inventory > Add Inventory > Bulk Upload

Click on "New Bulk Upload"













3) Click on "Download template" to download the template where you can key in all the new products or newly edited products. 

After filling out the fields, it should look something as per the image above. When you are ready, do remember to have it saved in .csv format. You can now select the file and upload it into OneCart. 

4a) UPLOAD - Click on "Choose File" button to select the file to upload

4b) ASSIGN FIELDS - OneCart automatically pairs your file column headers to the right fields, if you are using the OneCart template. Else, be sure to assign the fields correctly. Use the dropdown list to select. Once done, click next.

4c) OPTIONS - Use the dropdown list to choose an option to update or skip rows, then click next when done.

4d) REVIEW - Do take note that all quantity values will be updated on your shops IF auto-update is toggled on and SKUs are already sync-ed to marketplace listings. Please confirm this is what you want else cancel the import.

You can make any changes directly - click on the pencil.

Once you are ready to start your import click on "Start my import".

5) Your import will be processed soon. You will receive an 'OneCart: Your bulk upload is complete' email once the import is completed. :)


Once your SKU list has been uploaded to your OneCart inventory, you can begin sync-ing your marketplace listings to your OneCart SKUs - more information available here :